Thursday, March 28, 2013


graphsize 600,440
 font ("arial",20,100)
 Dim i(4):Dim j(4):Dim l(4):Dim o(4):Dim s(4):Dim t(4):Dim z(4)
 i = { 0x10F00, 0x12222, 0x100F0, 0x14444}
 j = { 0x144C0, 0x18E00, 0x16440, 0x10E20}
 l = {0x14460, 0x10E80, 0x1C440, 0x12E00 }
 o = { 0x1CC00, 0x1CC00, 0x1CC00, 0x1CC00}
 s = {0x106C0, 0x18C40, 0x16C00, 0x14620 }
 t = {0x10E40, 0x14C40, 0x14E00, 0x14640}
 z = { 0x10C60, 0x14C80, 0x1C600, 0x12640}
 Dim board(14,29)
 Dim stat(7)
 Score = 0
 endgame = false
 initialwait= 0.1
 # main loop for each newpiece
 wait = initialwait
 shape = int (rand*7)
 cores = int (rand*7)+1
 piecedown = false
 # loop for each frame
 # controls
 for press = 1 to 4
 a = key
 if 16777234=a then xpos=xpos -checkmove(ref (board),a,xpos,ypos,shape$)
 if 16777236 = a then xpos=xpos +checkmove(ref (board),a,xpos,ypos,shape$)
 if 16777237=a then wait =0.01
 if 16777235=a then
 rot = rot+1
 if rot = 4 then rot = 0
 gosub selectshape
 if checkmove(ref (board),a,xpos,ypos,shape$)=0 then
 rot = oldrot
 gosub selectshape
 end if
 end if
 pause wait
 next press
 # procedures
 gosub scorepanel
 gosub selectshape
 gosub drawboard
 gosub drawshape
 until piecedown = true
 # these procedures are executed when a piece is down
 gosub newboard
 gosub takeline
 gosub takeline
 until endgame = true
 #last instructions before end of game
 Color white
 font ("arial",50,100)
 text 70,100, "Game Over"
 color darkgreen
 rect 0,0,600,450
 color green
 Text 300,20,"Use arrow keys"
 Text 300,60, "I .... "+stat[0]
 Text 300,100,"J .... "+stat[1]
 Text 300,140,"L .... "+stat[2]
 Text 300,180,"O .... "+stat[3]
 Text 300,220,"S .... "+stat[4]
 Text 300,260,"T .... "+stat[5]
 Text 300,300,"Z .... "+stat[6]
 Text 300,350,"Score .... "+Score
 if shape = 0 then shape$ = tobinary (i[rot])
 if shape = 1 then shape$ = tobinary (j[rot])
 if shape = 2 then shape$ = tobinary (l[rot])
 if shape = 3 then shape$ = tobinary (o[rot])
 if shape = 4 then shape$ = tobinary (s[rot])
 if shape = 5 then shape$ = tobinary (t[rot])
 if shape = 6 then shape$ = tobinary (z[rot])
 function checkmove (ref (board),a,xpos,ypos,shape$)
 For v = 1 to 4
 For h = 1 to 4
 if mid(shape$,p,1)="1" then
 if board[xpos+h,ypos+v]>0 then checkmove=0
 if chr(a)="N" and (xpos+h>11 or xpos+h<2) then
 end if
if a=16777236 and xpos+h>10 then checkmove=0
 if a=16777236 and board[xpos+h+1,ypos+v]>0 then checkmove=0
 if a=16777234 and xpos+h<3 then checkmove=0
 if a=16777234 and board[xpos+h-1,ypos+v]>0 then checkmove=0
 end if
 next h
 next v
 end function
 if cores = 1 then color red
 if cores = 2 then color blue
 if cores = 3 then color yellow
 if cores = 4 then color orange
 if cores = 5 then color green
 if cores = 6 then color purple
 if cores = 7 then color white
 For v = 1 to 4
 For h = 1 to 4
 if mid(shape$,p,1)="1" then
 rect xpos*20+h*20,ypos*20+v*20,19,19
 if board[xpos+h,ypos+v+1]>0 or ypos+v=20 then piecedown=true
 end if
 next h
 next v
 if piecedown=true then
 if ypos<2 then endgame =true
 end if
 For v = 1 to 4
 For h = 1 to 4
 if mid(shape$,p,1)="1" then board[xpos+h,ypos+v]=cores
 next h
 next v
 For y = 1 to 20
 For x = 2 to 11
 if board[x,y] = 1 then color red
 if board[x,y] = 2 then color blue
 if board[x,y] = 3 then color yellow
 if board[x,y] = 4 then color orange
 if board[x,y] = 5 then color green
 if board[x,y] = 6 then color purple
 if board[x,y] = 7 then color white
 if board[x,y]=0 then color black
 rect x*20,y*20,19,19
 next x
 next y
 For y = 20 to 1 step -1
 complete = true
 For x = 2 to 11
 if board[x,y]=0 then complete = false
 next x
 if complete = true then
 For row = y to 1 step -1
 For position = 1 to 10
 next position
 next row
 Score = Score +1
 ix = initialwait*.9
 end if
 next y