Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Definite integral

# This program calculates the area between two functions the parameters functions, boundaries are hardcoded but they are highlighted for you to change

 font "arial", 15,100
 graphsize 500,500
 # Choose the dimentions of the graph#############
 for y = ymin to ymax
 for x = xmin to xmax
 circle tx*x-xmin*tx, ty*y-ymin*ty,3
 if y=ymax+ymin then text tx*x-xmin*tx-15, ty*y-ymin*ty,x
 if x=0 then text tx*x-xmin*tx-15, ty*y-ymin*ty,-y+ymax+ymin
 next x : next y
 line -xmin*tx,0,-xmin*tx,500 : line 0,500+ymin*ty,500,500+ymin*ty
 rem generate area
 #Choose the x boundaries#####################
 for x = xmin to xmax step dx
 xg= tx*x-xmin*tx
 color red
 #Equation1 red#############################
 yg1= 500-ty*y1+ty*ymin
 circle xg, yg1,1
 color blue
 #Equation2 blue###########################
 yg2= 500-ty*y2+ty*ymin
 circle xg, yg2,1
 if x<= bound2 and x>= bound1 then
 color darkgreen
 if int(xg+1)/2 = int(xg/2+1) then line xg,yg1,xg,yg2
 fill= 255*(x-bound1)/range
 end if
 next x
 input "press a key",a
 text 20,20,"Area="+area

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